Tuesday, August 17, 2010

recycouture defined

Refashion and reCycouture The earth friendliest form of sustainable fashion uses fabric
from garments that are in the post consumer chain. From wardrobe
swaps, yard sales, rummage sales and thrift shops these garments
and household linens are torn apart, mix and matched, then resewn
into fabulous new items. Because of their unique combinations these
are often one of a kind pieces that distinguish the fashion conscious individual.

These garments and accessories appeal to those with a refined sense of personal style and an aesthetic that strives to follow heart felt ideals that are in harmony with the natural world. This is not as woo hoo as it sounds for it is based on principles of quantum physics ( patterns and energy) biology (species diversity and health), environmental science (connectivity of ecosystems) economics (resource values and local production) and mathematics (compounding!). More!!

The refashion concept has been around for years. From depression stylists through war shortage seamsters,using fabrics for new purposes has been part of thecreative person’s repertoire. The most common form of fabricre-use was the quilt.

Today’s talented designers are refashioning under many monikers. RecyCouture is the word for garments that have hand work and time consuming details or are a custom refashioned garment. New words are coined almost daily as designers seek acknowledgement and market interest - upcycled, altered garments, remade, reclaimed fashion, recycled style etc. Whereas sustainable fashion includes the new fashions that are made from fibers that are being produced with less resource abuse, energy and toxins and in a socially just manner; the refashion movement is about lessening waste.

The shake out is about determining human progress. We will fare the future in the manner we deserve. Sustainable lifestyles enable the whole to fare better. They are based on the real science and information of today and are in defiance of the old standards that have proven themselves untrue. Sustainable fashion is not a trend. It is way of designing the styles a positive future demands. We now know better...we must act in that knowledge if we decide to be a species worth inhabiting this gift called planet Earth.

1 comment:

  1. hi and thank you for sharing nice words. I am curious though is this the business talking or the human in charge of ? Crossing this line gets tricky. However supporting positive change is the right direction.
